

Alberti Dureri pictoris et architecti praestantissimi de urbibus, arcibus, castellísque condendis, ac muniendis rationes aliquot, praesenti bellorum necessitati accommodatissimae : nunc recens è lingua germanica in latinam traductae.

Author(s), creator(s), collaborator(s) : Dürer, Albrecht
Type of the represented object : Book

Author(s), creator(s), collaborator(s): Dürer, Albrecht (1471-1528) (author)
Editor: [Paris] : Parisiis, ex officina Christiani Wecheli, sub Scuto Basiliensi, M.D.XXXV.
Place of creation of the original object: Paris (France)
First publication of the original object: [1535]
16th century
Modern times (1492-1789)
Original object location: Réseau des Bibliothèques
Identifiant(s): XIX.024.024B [in-fol] (cote ULiège)
709803163 (code-barres ULiège)
Original object language: Latin
Material, support of the original object: Papier
Physical description of the represented object : [80] p. : ill. ; in-fol.
Description: Empreinte : i-vt o.n-. t.r. t.a- (Q) 1535 (R)
Signatures : a⁶ b⁴ c⁵ d⁴ e⁶ f⁵ g⁴ h⁶

Relié avec : Alberti Dureri clarissimi pictoris et geometrae de sym[m]etria partium in rectis formis hu[m]anorum corporum libri in latinum converti. - [Nuremberg] : Norimbergae excudebatur opus aestate Anni a Christo seruatore genito M.D.XXXII. In aedib. viduae Durerianae, [1532]
CREF classification(s): Arts
Classification(s): Arts & humanities => Art & art history
Part of: Public domain

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