

La comedia di Dante Algieri con la nova espositione di Allessandro Vellutello

Author(s), creator(s), collaborator(s) : Dante Alighieri; Vellutello, Alessandro
Type of the represented object : Book

Uniform title : Divina commedia
Author(s), creator(s), collaborator(s): Dante Alighieri (1265-1321) (author)
Vellutello, Alessandro (1473?-1550?) (commentator for written text)
Editor: [Venise] : Impressa in Vinegia, per Francesco Marcolini ad instantia di Alessandro Vellutello, del mese di gugno lanno MDXLIIII
Place of creation of the original object: Venise (Italie)
First publication of the original object: août 1544
16th century
Modern times (1492-1789)
Original object location: Réseau des Bibliothèques
Identifiant(s): R00032B (cote uLiège)
700202888 (code-barres ULiège)
Original object language: Italian
Material, support of the original object: Papier 4°
Dimensions, weight or duration: 23 cm
Physical description of the represented object : 442 feuillets
Description: Empreinte : e.ra uede (C) 1544 (R)
Signatures : 2A-2B⁸ 2C¹⁰ A-Z⁸ AB-AZ⁸ BC-BI⁸
Keyword: Dante Alighieri (1265-1321); Littérature médiévale; La Divina Commedia; La Divina Commedia -- Commentaire -- 16e siècle; Littérature italienne -- Avant 1400; Livres illustrés -- 16e siècle
CREF classification(s): Lettres
Classification(s): Arts & humanities => Literature
Original object linked resource: Universal Short Title Catalogue no.808777 -
Part of: Public domain

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