Rétroceps de Hamon - Med. 018
Author(s), creator(s), collaborator(s) : Hamon
Type of the represented object : Artifact
Author(s), creator(s), collaborator(s): | Hamon (author) |
Original object location: | Embarcadère du savoir |
Identifier(s): | Maison de la Science - Med. 018 |
Abstract: | Instrument à branches parallèles dont l'une des branches pivote en arrière par son segment postérieur. Ce type de forceps à branches basculantes devrait en faciliter l'application. |
Material, support of the original object: | Acier |
Dimensions, weight or duration: | 275 X 90 X 75 (mm) 458 (g) |
Keyword: | rétroceps; hamon; instruments médicaux; gynécologie; obstétrique; médecine |
CREF classification(s): | Histoire |
Classification(s): | Human health sciences => Reproductive medicine (gynecology, andrology, obstetrics) |
Organization that sponsored the digitization: | LOTERIE NATIONALE MAISON DE LA SCIENCE |
Part of: | Public domain |
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