Hubertinus da Casale, Vita Jesus Christi, sive de arbore crucifixi, tome I.
Author(s), creator(s), collaborator(s) : Ubertin de Casale
Type of the represented object : Manuscript
Author(s), creator(s), collaborator(s): | Ubertin de Casale (1259-1329?) (author) |
Place of creation of the original object: | Liège (Belgique) |
Creation of the original object: | 15th century Middle age (476-1492) |
Original object location: | Réseau des Bibliothèques |
Identifier(s): | Université de Liège. Bibliothèque, Manuscrit 236 (cote ULiège) ALMA203935 (code-barres ULiège) |
Original object language: | Latin |
Material, support of the original object: | Papier et parchemin |
Dimensions, weight or duration: | 350 x 230 millimètres |
Physical description of the represented object : | 193 feuillets. Deux mains non identifiées : première main : ff. 1r°-165v° ; deuxième main : ff. 166r°-193v°. 2 colonnes de 35 lignes. Lettres peintes. Reliure du XIXe siècle. |
Description: | Marque d'appartenance manuscrite du Couvent des Croisiers : "Pertinet conventui Cruciferorum in leodio Aiii" (f. Ar°). |
Keyword: | Jésus-Christ; Compassion -- Aspect religieux -- Église catholique; Jésus-Christ -- Passion; Spirituels (franciscains) |
CREF classification(s): | Théologie |
Classification(s): | Arts & humanities => Religion & theology |
Original object linked resource: | Manuscrits des Croisiers de Liège. |
Organization that sponsored the digitization: | Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles (plan PEP'S) |
Part of: | Public domain |
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