

Libellus platine de ho||nesta voluptate ac || valitudine

Author(s), creator(s), collaborator(s) : Platina, Il
Type of the represented object : Incunabula

Uniform title : De honesta voluptate et valitudine
Author(s), creator(s), collaborator(s): Platina, Il (1421-1481) (author)
Editor: Bononiae impressum : per Ioanne[m] antonium platonidem Benedictorum bibliopolam necno[n] civem Bononiensem sub
Place of creation of the original object: Italie (Bologne)
First publication of the original object: Anno vero .xi. mensis Maii [11 mai 1499]
15th century
Modern times (1492-1789)
Original object location: Réseau des Bibliothèques
Collection: Incunabula
Identifier(s): XV.C44 (Cote ULiège)
1727315-10 (Code-barres ULiège)
Original object language: Latin
Material, support of the original object: Papier
Dimensions, weight or duration: in-8
Physical description of the represented object : [96] feuillets
Description: Mention de publication prise au colophon.
29 lignes ; caractères romains.
Signatures : a-m⁸
Marque de l'imprimeur au dernier feuillet

Provenance(s): Marque d'appartenance manuscrite de Lavallière et de Huzuriz de l'Institut...

Empreinte: i-t: iade e:oc adgr (C) 1499 (R) (exemplaire ULg)
Keyword: Cuisine médiévale -- Ouvrages avant 1800
CREF classification(s): Bases générales de la science et de la culture
Classification(s): Arts & humanities => Multidisciplinary, general & others
Arts & humanities => History
Original object linked resource: Polain(B) 3185A
Organization that sponsored the digitization: Université de Liège
Part of: Public domain

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Access type: Open Access

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