

Mandaet gepubliceert aen den proon van Luyck met geluydt de trompette en in hoeden van wet gestelt, desen twee en twintighsten juny 1765... Carolus, by de gratie Goodts, Bischop en Prince van Luyck, ... De fabrycken en manufacturen opgerecht in ons landt van Luyck... Gegeven in onsen geheymen-raede, den 20 junii 1765

Author(s), creator(s), collaborator(s) :
Type of the represented object : Poster

Editor: [Liège] : Tot Luyck, by J. F. Bassompierre
Place of creation of the original object: Belgique - Liège
Original object location: Réseau des Bibliothèques
Collection: Posters
Identifiant(s): R49A1 (cote ULiège)
1926127-10 (code-barres ULiège)
Original object language: Dutch, Flemish
Material, support of the original object: Papier
Dimensions, weight or duration: 53 x 42 cm
Physical description of the represented object : 1 Placard
Description: Par: Carolus L.S., Baron de Geyr, Vt, L. De Chestret
Geographical Location represent or evoke: Liège (Principauté)
Keyword: Droit
CREF classification(s): Droit
Classification(s): Law, criminology & political science => Multidisciplinary, general & others
Organization that sponsored the digitization: Université de Liège - ULiège
Part of: Public domain

Description: Recto
Size: 6.5 MB
Format: JPEG
Access type: Open Access
Description: Verso
Size: 5.16 MB
Format: JPEG
Access type: Open Access

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