

Spelen van sinne scoone moralisacien uut leggingen ende bediedenissen op alle loeflijcke consten waer inne men claerlijck ghelijck in eenem spieghe, figuerlijc, poetelijck en Retorijckelijck mach aenschouwen hoe nootsakelijck ende dienstelijck die selve consten allen menschen zijn [...] op die questie wat den mensch aldermeest tot conste verwect [...]

Author(s), creator(s), collaborator(s) :
Type of the represented object : Book

Editor: [Anvers] : Tot Antwerpen by M. Willem Silvius
Place of creation of the original object: Anvers (Belgique)
First publication of the original object: 1562
16th century
Modern times (1492-1789)
Original object location: Réseau des Bibliothèques
Identifier(s): R861B (cote ULiège)
709309147 (code-barres ULiège)
Original object language: Dutch, Flemish
Material, support of the original object: Papier
Physical description of the represented object : [ca 336] p. : ill.
Description: Signatures : A-3Z⁴ 4A-4P⁴

Empreinte: ten. n.y, a.a. SoOc (C) 1562 (R) (exemplaire ULiège)
CREF classification(s): Histoire
Classification(s): Arts & humanities => History
Part of: Public domain

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