

Tibulli Propertii, ac Ovidii flores, ab Ioanne Murmelio nuper selecti, à complusculis mendis repurgati

Author(s), creator(s), collaborator(s) : Tibulle; Properce; Ovide; ...
Type of the represented object : Book

Author(s), creator(s), collaborator(s): Tibulle (0050?-0018? av. J. C.) (author)
Properce (0050?-0015? av. J.-C.) (author)
Ovide (0043 av. J.-C.-0017) (author)
Murmel , Johannes (1480-1517) (editor)
Original object location: Réseau des Bibliothèques
Identifier(s): R03404A (Cote ULiège)
700306007 (Code-barres ULiège)
Original object language: Latin
Material, support of the original object: Papier
Physical description of the represented object : 1 volume
Description: L'exemplaire à la cote R03404A du Magasin à livres est relié avec : Libellus de conscribendis epistolis, autore D. Erasmo, opus olim ab eodem coeptu, sed prima manu, mox expoliri coeptu, sed intermissum, nunc primum prodit in lucem.
Keyword: Ovide (0043 av. J.-C.-0017). Les métamorphoses; Ovide (0043 av. J.-C.-0017) -- Critique et interprétation -- 16e siècle
CREF classification(s): Lettres
Original object linked resource: Libellus de conscribendis epistolis, autore D. Erasmo, opus olim ab eodem coeptu, sed prima manu, mox expoliri coeptu, sed intermissum, nunc primum prodit in lucem -
Universal Short Title Catalogue 410351 -
Part of: Public domain
Réseau des Bibliothèques: Identifier: 9923257926702321

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Format: Adobe PDF
Access type: Open Access

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