Des. Erasmi Roterodami Annotationes In Novum Testamentum, : Hactenus ab annis plurimis Piorum & Doctissimorum Votis, exemplaribus iam pridem deficientibus, desiderata Nunc vero Instituta cum optimis editionibus diligenti collatione variis Locis emendata. Studio & cura M. Hilmari Deichmanni Hannoverani in Patria ad D. Aedgidii Ecclesiastae.
Author(s), creator(s), collaborator(s) : Érasme; Deichmann, Hilmar
Type of the represented object : Book
Author(s), creator(s), collaborator(s): | Érasme (1469-1536) (author) Deichmann, Hilmar (1625-1674) (author) |
Editor: | [Francfort-sur-le-Main] : Francofurti, impensis Nicolai Försteri. M.DC.LXXXIX |
Place of creation of the original object: | Francfort-sur-le-Main (Allemagne) |
First publication of the original object: | 1689 17th century Modern times (1492-1789) |
Original object location: | Réseau des Bibliothèques |
Identifier(s): | R05717B (cote ULiège) ALMA356993 (code-barres ULiège) |
Original object language: | Latin |
Material, support of the original object: | Papier |
Dimensions, weight or duration: | 1 volume |
Keyword: | Ouvrages avant 1800. |
Classification(s): | Arts & humanities => Philosophy & ethics |
Original object linked resource: | Universal short title catalogue 2612067 - |
Part of: | Public domain |
Permalink: | |
Réseau des Bibliothèques: | Identifier: 9923284437402321 |
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