

Legendario delle vite de santi ; composto dal R.P.F. Giacabo di Voragine dell' ordine de' predicatori, & tradotto gid per il R.D. Nicolò Manerbio Venetiano. Aggiuntovi di nuovo molte legende, & accommodata ad ogni giorno la vita di alcun santo. Con la tavola delle legende ; & di vaghe figure ornato, e con somma diligenza corretto, & ristampato.

Author(s), creator(s), collaborator(s) : Jacques de Voragine; Malermi, Niccolò
Type of the represented object : Book

Author(s), creator(s), collaborator(s): Jacques de Voragine (1228?-1298) (author)
Malermi, Niccolò (1422?-1481) (translator)
Editor: [Venise] In Venetia, appresso Matteo Valentini. MDCXCII.
Place of creation of the original object: Venise (Italie)
First publication of the original object: 1592
16th century
Modern times (1492-1789)
Original object location: Réseau des Bibliothèques
Identifier(s): R04570B (cote ULiège)
700200344 (code-barres ULiège)
Original object language: French
Material, support of the original object: Papier
Dimensions, weight or duration: 21 cm
Physical description of the represented object : 16 pages non numérotées, 861 pages, 1 page blanche : illustrations
Description: Empreinte : n-el 2177 e-ià vone (3) 1592 (R)

Gravures sur bois
Page de titre gravée en noir et rouge
Signatures : a⁸ A-Z⁸ 2A-2Z⁸ 3A-3H⁸
Keyword: Ouvrage avant 1800; Saint Lambert (0635?-0705?)
Classification(s): Arts & humanities => Religion & theology
Original object linked resource: Editef, 1637
Part of: Public domain
Réseau des Bibliothèques: Identifier: 990007268990502321
Barcode/Inventory no.: 700200344
Call number: R04570B

Size: 152.92 MB
Format: Adobe PDF
Access type: Open Access

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