Monomachia obedientiæ et rebellionis, Facti & Iuris complectens imaginem carmeli Leodiensis, seu acta in ipso circa Lites præteritas et decisiones leodienses in quibus ex Jure varia demonstrantur pronuntiata. Per R.A.P. Michaelem à S. Spiritu Carm. Rfeorm. Provinciæ Turoniæ.
Author(s), creator(s), collaborator(s) : Michel du Saint-Esprit [carme]
Type of the represented object : Book
Author(s), creator(s), collaborator(s): | Michel du Saint-Esprit [carme] (15..?-16..?) (author) |
Editor: | [Liège] Leodii, Typis Guilielmi Henrici Streel, suæ celsitudinis serenissimæ typographi. Cum superiorum licentiâ. |
Place of creation of the original object: | Liège (Belgique) |
First publication of the original object: | 1660 17th century Modern times (1492-1789) |
Original object location: | Réseau des Bibliothèques |
Identifier(s): | TH06121 [16°] (Cote ULiège) 709606513 (Code-barres ULiège) |
Original object language: | Latin |
Material, support of the original object: | Papier 8° |
Dimensions, weight or duration: | 15 cm |
Physical description of the represented object : | 4 pages non numérotées, 236, 93 pages, 3 pages non numérotées |
Description: | Empreinte : a,m, i-i- cun- 40in (3) 1660 (Q)
Signatures : π² A-O⁸ P⁶ A-E⁸ F-G⁴ |
Geographical Location represent or evoke: | Liège (Belgique) |
Keyword: | Liège (Belgique) -- Vie religieuse et monastique -- 17e siècle |
CREF classification(s): | Théologie |
Original object linked resource: | Theux, X. de. Bibliographie liégeoise (2. éd.), 229 |
Part of: | Public domain |
Permalink: | |
Réseau des Bibliothèques: | Identifier: 990008611520502321 Barcode/Inventory no.: 709606513 Call number: TH06121 [16°] |
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