

Manāfiʿ asmāʾ allāh al-ḥusnā wa-manāfiʿ al-ism al-aʿẓam wa-kalām al-ṣaḥāba raḍiya allāh ʿanhum fī al-iḫtilāf fīhi wa-manāfiʿ al-qurʾān. ḫawāṣṣ al-arbaʿīn ism.

Author(s), creator(s), collaborator(s) :
Type of the represented object : Manuscript

First publication of the original object: avant 1450
15th century
Middle age (476-1492)
Original object location: Réseau des Bibliothèques
Collection: Manuscripts
Identifier(s): Ms5029 (Cote ULiège)
ALMA299089 (Code-barres ULiège)
Original object language: Arabic
Abstract: Ff. 1-156 : Manāfiʿ asmāʾ allāh al-ḥusnā wa-manāfiʿ al-ism al-aʿẓam wa-kalām al-ṣaḥāba raḍiya allāh ʿanhum fī al-iḫtilāf fīhi wa-manāfiʿ al-qurʾān ; ff. 157-188 : ḫawāṣṣ al-arbaʿīn ism
Texte en arabe.
Material, support of the original object: Papier
Dimensions, weight or duration: 170 x 135 millimètres.
Physical description of the represented object : 188 feuillets
Keyword: Manuscrits orientaux -- 15e siècle
CREF classification(s): Théologie
Classification(s): Arts & humanities => Religion & theology
Original object linked resource: Bauden (Frédéric). Catalogue of the Arabic, Persian and Turkish Manuscripts in Belgium. Volume 1, Handlist Part 1, Université de Liège. Leiden, Boston, Brill, 2016, p. 71, p. 103.
Part of: Public domain
Réseau des Bibliothèques: Identifier: 9922458639002321
Barcode/Inventory no.: ALMA299089
Call number: Ms5029

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